Warm welcome to our website! This Society originally began as California Society of Pediatric Cardiology in the mid 1960s, but became defunct for several years until a new generation of cardiologists headed by Arno Hohn, MD (Los Angeles) resuscitated the society in 1989, and turned it into a vibrant organization.
In September 2001, under the leadership of then president, Norman Silverman, MD (Palo Alto), the name of the society was changed to Western Society of Pediatric Cardiology to reflect ever-expanding membership not only from California but also from most of the western states. Our potential membership pool now consists of more than 450 cardiologists and surgeons involved in the care of children, adolescents and young adults with congenital heart disease in 12 western states. Actual membership consists of those who have voluntarily registered and paid annual dues. There are 118 paid members. (Hint to the rest of us!)
We meet once a year, in May, for a scientific session in an attractive location sponsored by a member group of the Society. The hosts alternate between groups in California (North and South) and the other western states. We meet in an informal small group setting to stimulate active audience participation. We feature cardiology, cardiac surgical and general healthcare topics of current interest, with talks by respected specialists in their fields in addition to a pre-eminent guest speaker. We seek to invite new cardiologists and surgeons to speak as they begin practice in the region.
“We would like to welcome the physicians in our region of the Western United States.”

We encourage opportunities for future collaboration and camaraderie and would like to help advance the network.
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Annual Meeting
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital will host the 31st Annual Conference – canceled.
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Member Roster
This is the current roster of paid members and fellows. Please contact us with any changes.
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Contact Us
If you haven’t received mailings this past year, please contact us to update your contact information.
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Why join WSOPC?
- Broaden your knowledge
- Enhance your network
- Get to know your colleagues
- Mentoring opportunities
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31st Annual Meeting – CANCELED
The 31st Annual Meeting hosted by UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital has been canceled.